Covid-19 Updates and Resources

Today is

Campus Status/Access


Harvard College, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

All teaching and learning is being conducted in-person during the spring term. The FAS has increased flexibility for instructors to maintain academic continuity during periods of disruption.

Division of Continuing Education (DCE)

DCE is primarily running programs and courses online through the spring. Learn more.

All FAS buildings and spaces are open or accessible by HUID. Please follow local guidance when accessing administrative offices.   

Campus Events & Gatherings


The FAS is currently following the University’s guidance for campus events and gatherings.

Indoor Socializing

Gatherings in Harvard residence halls and dormitories should be limited and may not exceed 25 people, including residents, at any time. Larger gatherings must be University-sponsored and supervised.

Visitors & Guests to Campus


The FAS is currently following the University’s guidance on visitors/guests to campus.

Visitors must be notified that Harvard requires both COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters and that visitors must be up-to-date before coming to campus.

Campus Dining


All Harvard dining halls and eateries are open to residential students, off-campus students with meal plans, and residential staff.

Takeaway containers are also available for grab-and-go dining. More information



Harvard Travel

The FAS is currently following the University’s guidance on Harvard-related travel.

Personal Travel

There are no restrictions on personal travel at this time.

FAS Guiding Principles

Put health and safety first | Protect the academic enterprise
Leverage our breadth and diversity | Preserve access and affordability