Nina Zipser

Nina Zipser
Nina Zipser
Dean for Faculty Affairs and Planning

Nina Zipser has led the Office for Faculty Affairs (OFA) since May 2008. In this role, she works closely with the FAS deans to develop and execute long-range plans and policies affecting the faculty. OFA coordinates academic planning; oversees all policy and procedural aspects of faculty hiring, promotions, leaves, and retirements; collects and analyzes data pertaining to the faculty; and advises individual faculty and administrators. After receiving a Ph.D. in mathematics from Harvard, Zipser joined the faculty at M.I.T., where she taught and conducted research on differential geometry. She then joined the Boston Consulting Group, and in 2003 she became Harvard’s first Director of the Office of Institutional Research (OIR). As founding Director for five years, Zipser defined the mission of OIR, working with all of Harvard’s Schools to help them undergird policy decisions with quantitative and qualitative analyses. Zipser brings this approach to her current role.